label | Women's Business Lunch EST'elles METZ |
event | Thursday, January 26th 12:00/14:00 pm |
place | Metz Techno'pôles (CESCOM), Rue Marconi, Metz, France |
Regardless of your status, hierarchical level and the environment in which you work, discover the four pillars of great leaders and how to put them into practice to succeed in your mission.
These pillars must be ROCK solid. This word being an acronym for Rules, Organization, Communication and Knowledge.
We all have 2 unconscious elements that can weaken these pillars. Francis ZENTZ will help you discover them and make them your allies.
Speaker: Francis ZENTZ, International speaker, trainer, and coach on Leadership and Public Speaking, 25 years of experience.
Women’s Business Lunch EST’elles Metz
A meeting over lunchtime in English between professional women concerned about keeping up-to-date with trends and developments in business.
Thursday, January 26th 12:00/14:00pm
Cescom 4, Rue Marconi Technopole Metz
Fees: 12€ for members, 18€ for non-members – Lunchbox included
Special fee for a member of a partner network or friend 12€
Les Essenti’ELLES de BPALC, Energies Mixité d’EDF, SNCF Mixité, Femina Tech, CRPL, AFFDU Lorraine, Club mécènes et partenaires Eurométropole Metz, Club Rives de Moselle, Myréseau Cescom
Registration : no later than Tuesday, January 24th or 0387621232
Payment on HelloAsso – see Link above
In case of cancelation after January 24th, the fees are due
Any problem : 0616852533
EST’elles WBL Metz copilot
Liliane Borg
Looking forward to sharing your views in a relaxed atmosphere !
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